
From Sarsei Wiki


What are the most commonly-grown foods?

What are the most commonly-eaten meats?

What foods are considered exotic or expensive?

What forms of alcohol are common? Rare?

Is there usually enough food and water for the population?

Describe how daily food is obtained.

What type of foods are most popular?

What are typical dishes and specialties of the region?

What type of food is the locality or region famous for?

What cutlery, if any, do people use for cooking and eating?

How is the table arranged?

How do people sit when eating? Is there any arrangement by age or dignity of diners?

How many and when are the main mealtimes?

Are there restaurants, popinas, street vendors or other places where food may be bought in public?

Is there a significant risk of food poisoning? How many cases lead to death? Is there understood to be a link between food and poisoning or illness?

How much does a typical meal cost, if bought and not grown at home?

Their diet requires a high amount of protein and amino acids found in plant life, seafood, legumes and red meat found on their planet.

Dining Customs


What major architectural styles are present? What do they look like?

How does this vary over time and between places in the region?

What major elements are present? How are they pieced together?

What are houses like inside and out?

What are palaces and castles like?

How tall is the tallest building? How big is the biggest building?

What materials are used in typical construction? Do any materials have to be imported?

How are buildings constructed? Are there machines or is work done by hand?

What are some famous landmarks in the region? Why are they famous? Are they famous internationally?


How do people get from place to place? Does this vary at all in different places?

Do people make long journeys? If so, what are they like?

Is there a public transport system? Who uses it? How much does it cost?

What are the roads like? How do they vary from place to place?

Do individuals or families own and use their own vehicles?

How safe and clean is the typical transport system?

What major fuels are used?

Apart from face to face, how do people communicate with each other?

Is there a postal service? How fast is it? How much does it cost to use? What restrictions are there on packet delivery? Does the post operate internationally? How likely is it that an article sent in the post will reach its intended destination?

What technical or mechanical means of communications exist?

Are philosophy and science unified, or do they exist as separate and independent disciplines?

What devices and technologies are availible for people?

Are such devices taken for granted? If not, how many are appreciated?

How do people envision a difficult or impossible task that could be made easier by using some kind of device or futuristic technology?

How is knowledge distributed? Is it kept unknown to the common people, or is availible for all?

Sarsei's technology is primarily centered around the Sarseian's needs as opposed to military and war. While the northern quarter is run by a military dictatorship, the vast majority of technological advancements have been made in the southern sections of the world, where every-day life is the focus, allowing one's overall quality of life to improve.

Sarsei is set in the early industrial period/Dieselpunk (roughly 1930s-1940s) with a heavy influence and dependency on their magic. Their focus is on industry, as they've yet to have a 'world war' to cause them to focus on militaristic uses of their technology and abilities.

More examples of Dieselpunk: Indiana Jones, Captain America, The Rocketeer, Legend of Korra, Bioshock, FF7, Fallout

Sarseians tend to adopt technology slowly, after thorough examination and experimentation. Much of their technology they have gleaned from the many artifacts around the world, and applying the knowledge they have gained while studying said artifacts to their every-day lives.

While Sarseian gemstones are rare and powerful, their use in gadgets or technology is also taboo, since the only way to obtain them is by reclaiming them off of a dead Sarsei inhabitant, or harvesting them from a live one.


Due to Sarseians' males ability to become pregnant

Mating Rituals

How does your society define incest? Rape? How do people react to these?

What secret vice is believed to be widely practiced?

What secret vice actually is practiced?

What sexual habits are widely believed common among foriegners?

How do people react to homosexuality? Is it frowned on? Encouraged?

Are premarital sexual relations allowed? Extramarital?

How is adultery defined? What (if any) is the punishment? Who decides?

Is prostitution legal? How are prostitutes viewed? Is this accurate?

What is the greatest sexual taboo?

What does this society mean by the word "virgin" and how important it it?

Is sex confined to marriage? Or, is it supposed to be?

What constitutes aberrant sexual behavior?

Are there any cultural or religious strictures, norms or tabus that specifically address sexual conduct?

Are there secular laws that control or restrict sexual behaviour?

At what age is it considered normal to engage in sex? Are there tabus against sex with children?

Should sex be a one-to-one experience? Or are groups allowed?


A Sarseian sleeps for four hours after their two major meals of the day totaling eight hours. Some have adopted a single 8 hour sleep cycle, however. (convert to Earth hours)

Social Organization[edit]

What colors are associated with power? With virtue? With death?

If two men get into a fight, how is this supposed to be resolved?

If two women get into a fight, how should that be resolved?

How do people demonstrate grief?

Who inheirits property? Titles? Position?

What are the most popular games? How important are they?

When and how does someone go from child to adult?

How much free time do people usually get?

What do they spend this time doing?

Is society segregated an any way?

What social classes or divisions exist in this society?

If so, can people move from one class to another? Are there any benefits to being of one class over another?

Is there any discrimination against minority groups (racial, ethnic, religious) in this society?

How independant or codependant are individuals?

What are the typical roles of women and men? What are the expectations of children?

Does the government play a large part in peoples lives?

Does religion play a large part in peoples lives?

A Sarseian's Subrace is unique to the individual, it is not inherited from the parents. Two Moonstone parents have no better chance of producing a Moonstone child than two Ruby parents. There are no castes based on the Subraces due to this fact. This allows easy reading of the Sarseian's personality. Because of this, Matchmakers are traditionally employed to pair up compatible Sarseians, however it is seen merely as an informed opinion. Sarseians are rarely pushed into a relationship. The Diamond subrace are notable for their rarity, but this can be a double-edged sword for those looking to blend in.

Jobs and Professions[edit]

What is the local currency like? How is it subdivided? What is is based on (metal, labour, fiat)?

Is currency issued by a central authority or by some decentralised means?

How does it compare to other neighbouring currencies?

How has the value of the currency changed or fluctuated recently?

How are coins and notes produced? How common are forgeries?

How is wealth distributed?

Is there a public banking system?

Who uses it? What benefits does it bring? At what cost?

Is there a large gap between the wealth of the rich and poor? What expectations do each group have from the other?

What constitutes "poverty" in this society?

Describe any kind of division of labour, such as into physical versus mental versus spiritual.

Is there any especial prestige attached to some category of labour or a particular job?

What jobs are considered mucky or are particularly depreciated?

What professions or activities are considered masculine?

What professions or activities are viewed as feminine?

What are usual working hours? Are there days of rest or holidays?

How does this differ between different jobs?

What jobs have few workers and why?

What are typical wages for various jobs?

How does work affect lifestyle and health?

What sort of jobs are preferred by which people? Are some jobs denied to certain groups?

What are the ethical oaths or codes that govern various jobs? Is there a difference in ethics between manual and mental or spiritual work?

Religion and Philosophy[edit]

Is the culture religious or nonreligious?

What are the major religious groups in the region?

What are some of their core doctrines, dogmas, beliefs and practices?

What is the overall cosmology and eschatology in religious terms?

Is religion a cause of dissatisfaction, dissention or hostility in the region?

Are religious traditions and any scriptures oral or written in nature or a combination?

Is there a set canon of what consitutes officially sanctioned scripture?

How are scriptural / traditional exegesis accomplished and by what hermeneutics?

What is the role of myth within the religion?

Is there a formal creed or set of credal statements that define the faith?

What are typical symbols used in the religion and their meanings?

What ritual objects are used in the religion (relics, talismans, medals, charms, etc)?

What religious officials are there? Is there a formal clergy? How are they organised?

Are there monks, saints, faqirs, nuns, prophets, apostles, disciples, preachers, friars, shamans, martyrs, mystics, seers, vates, sages, ascetics, religious heroes, saviours, redeemers, etc?

What do people believe happens to them after death? How, if at all, can they influence this?

What happens to those who disagree with the majority on questions of religion?

Are there any particular places considered special or holy? What are they like?

Is there a set religious calendar? What are the most popular rituals or festivals?

Are there liturgical, meditative, and contemplative aspects to the religion?

What is the basic structure of the religion (unitary, dualistic, etc)?

What is the basic theology of the religion (i.e., monotheistic, polytheistic, henotheistc etc)?

What do people have to offer to their Deity or deities?

What do people want from their Deity or deities? How do they try and get it?

Are there differing denominations or sects of the religion?

How do their religious practices differ from their neighbours?

Are issues such as orthodoxy, heterodoxy, heresy and apostasy keys in the religious life?

What gender, ethnic, national or racial issues exist within the religion?

Is ecumenism engaged in, or are other traditions treated as adversaries or enemies?

What is the most commonly broken religious rule?

What is the least-violated religious rule?

How are such infractions punished? Is it possible to expel a community member?

How can an outsider join the religious community?

Does the religion send out missionaries? What role(s) do they play?

What factions exist within the dominant religious institutions? How do they compete?

Are the differing groups a result of schismatism or mutual and cooperative separation?

Are there monastic groups? What do they do and how are they organized? How do you join one?

Are there cult groups within the religious community?

How are those who follow different faiths treated?

What relationship do religious and political leaders have?

What superstitions are common? What kinds of supernatural events or beings do people fear?

What kinds of supernatural or othernatural beings exist in this religion (angels, demons, devi, asuras, spirits, ghosts, sprites, etc)?

How are dreams and visions encompassed by the religion?

How is religious action expressed (spontaneous or ritual liturgy, song, dance, music, ritual action, sex, miracle plays, etc)?

Origin Tales[edit]


Due to their origins being known and recorded, their 'faith' and 'religion' is more logical and fact-based than 'spiritual hope' of earth-religions

Because they have no reason to merely have faith in a supernatural being, they have no true religion, nor do they have laws or commands passed down from said being. Each of their artifacts prove to them their origins, and their purpose of existence.

There has been a significant amount of physical evidence that the Sarseian people were brought into being by a benevolent hyper-dimensional being. While the Sarseians do not believe this being to be 'God' in the traditional sense, they do revere them, despite them having never having contacted the Sarseians directly. Because of this, there is no reason to believe they have evolved from anything naturally, as there is a marked period when there is no indication of a sentient group having lived on the planet.

Through the artifacts left for them to find they were able to glean a little information about the being that created them and how they did so. While they do not understand how to make use of the fragments of information they have found, and possibly may never understand how, they have used this information to further their own abilities and understand them better. They believe, and have good evidence to support that the world itself, from the rocks, plants, wildlife, and even the sun is composed of energy that ebbs and flows all around them, allowing them to pull energy in from these sources.

Meeting and Greeting[edit]

Sarseian natives are generally xenophilic, and take great interest in Outsiders, especially untransformed ones.

Arts and Entertainment[edit]

Does the culture have outlets for dramatic arts (theater, puppetry, kinematography)?

What other major forms of entertainment are there?

Is the populace literate and numerate?

Do people read for pleasure? If so, what do they read?

How much do books, magazines, broadsheets and the like cost?

Is there a public library system? Who uses it?

Who are popular authors and poets?

Who are some of the more famous characters from literature?

How has this changed over time?

Do people enjoy looking at art? Does this vary among communities?

Do people enjoy doing art? Does this vary?

Is there any calligraphy? Who does it?

Does your culture have a distinct (or not so) musical style? What is it like?

How do people listen to music (in a theater, at home, on the street, mechanical)?

Does music influence people's behaviour?

Does this culture have a typical dance form? What is it like?

Who goes to see such entertainments?

What are the favorite artforms?

What are the least-favorite?

How respected are artists?

Do artists require official or unofficial protection or patronage?

What kinds of trouble are artists in particular likely to find themselves in?

How might a very successful artist live?

What forms of theatre does your society have?

How naturalistic or stylized is your society's art?

What shapes are most common in your society's arts, like embroidery or architecture?

Which artforms get the most and least respect?

What form does censorship take?

Who may not be an artist?

What qualities equal "beauty" in this society?

What makes a man or woman especially beautiful?

How do people react to tattoos? Piercings? Facial hair? Cosmetics?


Rituals/Annual Events --Need Link to actual Calendar--

Daily Life[edit]

What is the average life expectancy? How does this differ between different regions, races or ethnicities?

What access do people have to clean drinking water (at home or in public)?

What access do people have to proper sanitation (at home or in public)?

Do houses or public buildings have plumbing? Cold and warm water?

Describe any public or private bathing or latrine facilities.

How is healthcare delivered in this society; what are its foundations?

Are there hospitals or sanataria where many forms of health care are concentrated; or are practicioners more diffuse within the community?

Do people have access to any form of medical aid for emergencies or for less urgent problems?

What kinds of ailments or injuries are treatable in the locality using available supplies and expertise?

What does typical healthcare cost?

How do this society's doctors try to treat wounds and sickness?

Which medical assumtions of this society are wrong?

Do people seek care on an as-needed or emergency basis; or is health care seen as a preventative endeavour.

How often do people see their doctor, dentist or other healthcare provider?

Is a distinction made between physical and nonphysical ailments?

What happens to those suffering from extreme mental illness? Spiritual illness? Other?

How do people react to physical deformity (both congenital and acquired)?

Gender Roles[edit]

Gender identity is a complex thing with Sarseians

Due to this non-sex-stigmatized, sex-positive society and the breakdown of most social expectations of gender, there's no segregation of bathrooms or similar things. Their views on privacy also means that they do not have 'stalls' as such like Earth society has today and bathrooms are typically communal and open. Seeing genitals is not stigmatized, and thus public nudity is not stigmatized. Clothing is used merely for protection, be it physical or environmental protection. They also thus have a different word for the room that contains the toilet from the room that contains the shower/tub.

There's no stigma to sex (the act), sex (the anatomy), gender (the construct) or relationships like there is on earth. There are even individuals whose job it is to adjust someone's physical sex to the gender they choose to be. As far as sex acts, the only real taboo is underage (which is less a specific year mark and more about body maturity.) They have no issue with 'non traditional' pairings because, should a gay couple wish it, they can head to the fertility shrine and one can become pregnant. There's also no real 'gender role' because of this. A male or a female can be a 'homemaker' just as easily as the main income maker.

As far as 'transgender' individuals and such, there are specific individuals who focus on working on the body, to the point they can manipulate the body to adjust their gender on the genetic level. This can also be done as vanity, altering and adjusting aspects of their anatomy to their liking.

Because of their natural 'hermaphroditic' sex, transgender individuals are very common, so there's no stigma at all.

Due to Sarseians' males ability to become pregnant, as well as their unique sexes, there are different words (with greatly different connotations) to denote the individual who raises a child versus the individual who birthed the child, as well as the 'father' (specifically the donor of the sperm) versus 'mother' (specifically the receiver of the sperm). They also have vastly different social expectations of what a 'man' and a 'woman' are. 'A man' refers to someone of masculine body type, rather than what genitals they have. 'A woman' refers to someone of feminine body type, likewise. They also have pronouns specifically for someone of indeterminate body type.

While a Sarseian's genitals are binary, there are many cases where the Sarseian themselves are neither male nor female. This is due to the fact that a Sarseian's gender is determined well after conception.

Family Life and Structure[edit]

How many spouses may a man or woman have?

Who decides on a marriage?

Can a marriage end in divorce? How?

Who usually takes custody of children if a marriage ends for some reason?

How are families named?

What happens to orphans?

How are boy and girl children treated differently?

What, if anything, is considered a good marriage gift?

What inanimate or sexless things are considered male or female?

Does this society connect the ideas of marriage with love?

How big are families, typically?

What constitutes a household? How many people live in one household? How many generations?

Are girls or boys preferred and why?

How common is domestic violence? Is it understood to be a problem, or a normal aspect of family life?

If it is seen as problematic, what is being done about it?

Caring for Young[edit]


How is a marriage defined? How is a marriage contracted?

What is the term of a marriage contract?

What gifts are considered appropriate or inappropriate for a wedding?

How are marriages celebrated?

What is considered too great a difference in age for a couple?

Do relationships allow multiple partners?

In what ways is a marriage considered broken?

How can a marriage be terminated?



What is their understanding of death and dying?

What does this society do with their corpses?

Do they cremate their dead? Or, how are dead bodies disposed of?

Is the family responsible for the body?

What part do the priests play?

Are there cemeteries at all?

Or, does everyone have a crypt in back with all the relatives in it?

Do people visit the dead? If so, how often and why?

What do people in this culture think about suicide?

Is it the greatest sin one can commit? Or is it a sin at all?

Is it the great and last comfort of a tormented soul?

Is it worse than murder?


Describe the education of the society's people: formal schooling, apprenticeship, etc.

If education is mainly by apprenticeship, how is this accomplished?

Is education compulsory / offered to everyone? What is the cost of education?

Between which ages does education happen?

How are year groups and academic years arranged?

How are curricula arranged? What courses are typically offered?

What degrees or diplomas are offered by schools?

What do schools / colleges / universities look like?

What are the classrooms like? What is a typical class size

Who is in charge of education in the country, and in each individual school?

Does this society have its own language? Its own writing system?

How common is literacy? How is literacy viewed?

What form and value are books?

Who teaches others? How do they teach?

Who decides who learns to read or write?

Who teaches professions, like carpenter or scribe?

Are foreigners ever brought in to teach new skills? Who does that?

Ethics and Values[edit]

Info Here

Fashion and Dress[edit]

What kind of clothes do people wear? How does this vary by season, ethnicity, age, profession, etc?

How do the genders dress: what differences are there between mens and womens clothing and accessories?

How is clothing made, in small shops or larger factories?

How much does typical clothing cost?

How important is fashion to people? How does this vary by individual?

What kinds of jewelry do people wear? And when?

The Sarseian's sense of fashion and use of clothing is sparse, even more so in the warmer northern regions, and consists of light, loose materials, since their fur affords them protection from the sun and cold. In the north, materials are usually lighter or sparser to allow for better wicking of moisture, and blocking of sunlight without inhibiting airflow. Southern materials are usually thicker and block out the wind and insulate against the cold.

The style of wear is similar to a mixture of traditional Japanese and polynesian wear. Togas, body-wraps, kimono-style robes, hoods and ponchos to keep out the cold, and general wear, and sarongs and loose torso-garments to shield from the sun. Some may opt to wear nothing at all, as there is no stigma against doing so.

Jewelry is composed primarily of gemstones, metal, bone, and stones, as well as leather, cloth, and metal. They are usually found as necklaces, piercings, rings and fur-ties. Leather-based protective garments have been used for hazardous jobs as well as metal for armor, though it is sparse.

All Sarseians have a great dislike for foot-coverings that prevent them from being in contact with the planet, as well as being in a location that prevents the flow of energy from reaching them. Some have felt a feeling of strong vertigo or detachedness while being isolated.


Who speaks first at a formal gathering?

What kinds of gifts are considered appropriate or in extremely bad taste?

How do younger adults address their elders?

When is it rude to laugh at something funny?

What kinds of questions cannot be asked in public? In private? At all?

What parts of the body are routinely covered?

How private are bodily functions like bathing or defecating?

Sarseian Talia (Currency)[edit]

1/12 Talia: copper, copper rim, circle, hole, 1.5cm x 1.5cm x 4mm

1/6 Talia: copper, nickel rim, hexagon, hole, 2cm x 2cm x 4mm

1/4 Talia: nickel, nickel rim, square, hole, 2cm x 2cm x 4mm

1/3 Talia: nickel, silver rim, triangle, hole, 2cm x 2cm x 4mm

1/2 Talia: silver, nickel rim, oval, hole, 2cm x 3cm x 4mm

1 Talia: silver, silver rim, circle, no hole, 2cm x 2cm x 4mm

3 Talia: silver, electrum rim, oval, no hole, 2cm x 3cm x 4mm

6 Talia: electrum, silver rim, triangle, no hole, 2cm x 2cm x 4mm

12 Talia: electrum, electrum rim, square, no hole, 2cm x 2cm x 4mm

24 Talia: electrum, gold rim, rectangle, no hole, 2cm x 3cm x 4mm

48 Talia: gold, electrum rim, hexagon, no hole, 2cm x 2cm x 4mm

144 Talia: gold, gold rim, octagon, no hole, 2.5cm x 2.5cm x 4mm

1728 Talia: platinum, platinum rim, circle, no hole, 3cm x 3cm x 4mm